Norbert Rotter becomes new CEO

Norbert Rotter is taking on the role of CEO of itelligence AG as of July 1. Rotter, who previously held the position of CFO, is following on from Herbert Vogel, the founder and long-standing CEO of the most successful SAP consultancy firm for the SME market. Herbert Vogel is retiring.

Friedrich Fleischmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of itelligence AG, comments: “We would like to thank Herbert Vogel for his outstanding achievements. He has developed itelligence into the world’s largest SAP service provider for SMEs. We are confident that as an experienced manager Norbert Rotter will lead the company to a successful future, and we wish him the best of luck.”

Norbert Rotter, CEO of itelligence AG, comments: “I am delighted to take on the role of CEO at itelligence AG. itelligence is a fast-growing, global IT company with a focus on SAP technology. The challenges in the age of digitalization are wide-ranging. The IT industry is experiencing radical change and my goal is for itelligence to take on a leading role in the digital transformation.”

Norbert Rotter (48) has been a member of the Management Board of itelligence AG since January 2008. As CFO, he was responsible for the successful international expansion of itelligence AG with the Mergers & Acquisitions division. itelligence has also grown significantly in Germany. For example, in June 2016 alone the SAP consultancy firm acquired ITML GmbH in Pforzheim with around 160 employees and the BIT.Group in Bautzen with around 380 employees. As a graduate in business administration, Rotter began his career at the international audit firm KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft AG in 1995. Norbert Rotter is married and has three children.