Higher Education

NTT DATA Business Solutions

Student Lifecycle Management and More

Attracting a diverse and talented student population, adapting to online learning, mixed modes, B2B & B2C scenarios, and international campuses, and climbing the academic rankings. Higher education has a lot of challenges on its plate, and they all have significant impact on your business model. Here’s how to become future-proof with a next-generation IT strategy that lets you gain analytical insights while supporting the entire student journey.

Withstand challenges and cope with trends in higher education

International student mobility and a growing consumerist attitude in students are intensifying the war for talent. For institutions, the number and variety of regional and global competitors is rising fast. With public funding of higher education under pressure, it is often the students that end up paying the price. Which makes them, rightly so, even more demanding in terms of the academic path they want to carve out for themselves. Students have come to expect better value for money, intuitive student apps, and full support throughout their journey. 

Rethink your strategy for teaching, learning, and administration

To survive in this increasingly competitive environment, you must rethink delivery models for teaching, learning, and, finally, administration, so they can capitalize on change now rather than being consumed by it.

These are the four trends that will help you come out on top if you are able to incorporate them in your strategy:

  • Support the complete student journey
  • Adapt to non-traditional students and non-traditional forms of education
  • Provide student and learning analytics everywhere
  • Improve student retention and success.

Reimagining student and employee experiences from recruitment to alumni, will help you to withstand these challenges in higher education. And in this digital world – that is increasingly taking place in the cloud – embedding these new ways of looking at the student journey in your IT strategy will be a key-driver for success.

Becoming Future-proof in Higher Education
Watch on Becoming Future-proof in Higher Education

Gain the edge in higher education

Here’s the key to meeting emerging trends and challenges in higher education and drive student success and a great student and employee experience: 

Learn more about it.education

Top Trends in Higher Education

Find out more about all itelligence events on student apps and student information systems for higher education.

Boost your Marketing Strategies

Today, more and more higher education institutions operate like B2C businesses. Find out how a cutting-edge strategy used by leading brands and the latest higher education software can help you improve recruitment and student engagement, so you can soar in the digital age.

Businesses need to change the way they think and act and become intelligent. Speed is essential.

User Experience and Student Apps

Today`s students are more techy-savvy than ever before. They expect innovative services, flexibility, and information on demand on any device. Universities need to take a mobile-first approach with higher education software, offering student apps as well as an intuitive user experience.

Employee Engagement

Introduce higher education HR software to support the full hire-to-retire process including the higher education specific areas of multiple employment and complex remuneration. Universities can increase staff engagement whilst retaining and growing existing talent.

S/4HANA Finance Management

Finance Transformation

Combine financial processes with automated, real-time analytics, and translate them into forward-looking business insight across the organisation. Our higher education software creates an intelligent digital core with a single financial data source for transactions, analytics and planning.

Key Business Processes in Higher Education

Student Administration

The key to becoming a “Smart University” is to integrate and manage the entire student lifecycle – from prospect to alumnus. By communicating, collaborating, and supporting students throughout their journey, you can improve student satisfaction and strengthen student success.


SAP provides a full suite of analytics solutions that can turn this data into real insight. Take advantage of in-depth data analysis, predictions, and processing of complex events, and combine data from a variety of sources into a single integrated platform.

Student Commerce

With a single platform for commerce, universities can reach students on all channels and promote their offerings. Online shops enable students and prospects to browse products or services on any device. They can enroll in online courses or purchase branded merchandise or course materials.

Workforce Management

As more and more millenials enter the workforce, staff and university faculties are becoming more demanding. To increase internal efficiency universities need to provide all employees, from academic staff to administration, with access to advanced technology and mobile self-service tools.

Education Competence Center can assist higher education institutions with student lifecycle management best practices.

We Are Your Experts for Higher Education

Having supported over 30 major higher learning institutions across the globe, NTT DATA Business Solutions has a deep understanding of the industry’s current trends and challenges.

Thanks to our Education Competence Center, we can draw on a specialist team of experts, dedicated to supporting digital transformation in higher education. They help you leverage SAP solutions and find the best solutions for your needs – so you can deliver exceptional student experiences.

Get in touch with us
97 of the 100 top universities in the world run SAP solutions.

A Selection of Our Solutions and Products for Higher Education

Let us help you find the right SAP Solutions to leverage your business success. We also offer our own SAP-compatible industry solutions, tailored to the specific demands of discrete manufacturing. Not sure what you need? Just contact us!

Meeting the growing demands of higher education students with it.educationBP
Watch on Meeting the growing demands of higher education students with it.educationBP

Meeting the Growing Demands of Higher Education Students

The rising expectations from students to get better value and full support throughout their student lifecycle journey, the expectation of lifelong learning and growing competition create a tremendous challenge for higher education institutes every day.

With one of NTT DATA Business Solutions best practice ERP solution it.educationBP based on SAP S/4HANA the implementation takes place fast, secure, risk mitigated and you get the best service afterwards.

Learn more about it.education

Useful Insights into Higher Education

gain the edge in education
White Paper
Gain the edge in education. Zo lever je de beste studentervaringen

Na het lezen van deze whitepaper weet je als onderwijsinstelling alles over de trends en uitdagingen binnen het hoger onderwijs van vandaag; - Hoe je analytisch inzicht genereert en een toekomstvast digitaal platform neerzet - Hoe je inspeelt op de wensen van de hedendaagse student - Wat de beste keuzes zijn in B2B- en B2C-scenario’s - Welke stappen je kan zetten om een nóg slimmere universiteit te worden.

Download the whitepaper

Insights Anytime, Anywhere with it.education: from Student to Tutor
Solution Brief
Insights Anytime, Anywhere with it.education: from Student to Tutor

it.education provides university or college employees with integrated digital support and a comprehensive overview.

Read more about it.education

How to Transform into a Customer-Focused Digitized University

Boost your marketing to face a new challenge in higher education. Provide a seamless user experience.

Solution Brief

The Intelligent Enterprise for Higher Education

To establish superior student and faculty engagements, the university must become intelligent, which also means to become resilient, able to adapt, run efficiently and drive long-term growth.

White Paper

The Future of Education Is Digital

As students become increasingly empowered and demanding, universities have to get smarter and digitize. To help them through this transformation, we support leading higher education institutions with strategic consulting, customized software, and our own dedicated Education Competence Center.

Marc van den Berk, Manager for Customer Engagement and Commerce Solutions, Western Europe, NTT DATA Business Solutions BV

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Get in Touch with Our Experts

Our specialist team of experts can help you leverage higher education software from SAP and find the best solutions for your needs – so you can deliver exceptional people & student experiences.

Please get in touch – We would be glad to help you.


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Mark Arts

Mark Arts

Director Education & Research