SAP-consulting office supports foundry process with Blending 2.1 – the smart Add-On from the itelligence AddStore

itelligence AG presents in its itelligence-AddStore the new itelligence Add-on-solution ‚Blending‘ version 2.1. The novelty: for the first time the blending calculation is available as a complete integration into SAP.

With the new calculation algorithm in version 2.1, efficient and mathematically correct solution methods find entry into the IT-solution across all sectors. In addition to this, Blending 2.1 can be configured in a straight-forward manner to various client needs. Beside the classical analysis or cost optimization, a combination of these approaches is for example possible. Because of that, the Add-On Blending 2.1 is equally interesting for numerous sectors: beside the classical foundries the new tool is also used by automobile suppliers who do their own manufacturing and offer their own products.Johannes Cordes, industry management & presales, itelligence AG: “With version 2.1 of our Add-On ‘Blending‘ blending calculations are getting more exact, the number of necessary corrections and post blendings can be reduced further and we are able to adapt more flexible and faster than before to desired changes in the calculation logic.”

itelligence AddStore
The software solutions offered in the itelligence AddStore are additions to the standard of SAP-solutions and hence field-tested. The selection of software packages is done with a few mouse clicks and is controlled by the users themselves. The advantage of the itelligence AddStore is above all the depth of information. Extensive info material is available for every software package.

More details at itelligence blog: