The Top 5 Budget Initiatives for 2021

We are in the midst of a Customer Experience (CX) revolution and customers are demanding an enhanced experience. In this episode of The CX Angle, we discuss the top 5 budget initiatives that companies should consider as they plan for 2021.
Read the transcript below or listen to the podcast.
(Jeremy Cross) Welcome back to another episode of the CX Angle podcast. My name is Jeremy Cross, and as always, I’m joined by my colleague, Ryan Kubec. Hey, Ryan. What’s up today, man?
(Ryan Kubec) Oh, man, just living the dream. It has actually been sunny here in Michigan, so no complaints. I’m feeling very lucky. My family is healthy, and everyone is good, given all the craziness that’s going on in the world right now.
(Jeremy Cross) Yeah, and I can say here in Cincinnati the last few days, we hit up to like 75 degrees. And then I wake up this morning to take the dogs out and it’s 32 degrees outside. So only in the Midwest, only during climate change would you find your temps swing from 75 back down to 32. But I can’t complain.
So I wanted to get together and talk today, because a few weeks ago we got together in studio and shot some video, and one of those videos was talking about the top five initiatives that you believe people should be budgeting for in 2021. I think that would make a really good podcast topic, and so I wanted to see if we could sit down and really dive into those five topics and what are those initiatives that you think are the most important for 2021. So, think we can do that today?
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah, that sounds good. And I agree this whole idea kind of came out of trends that we’ve been seeing from the customers and companies that we’re working with, of what folks are putting in place this year, as a lot of business process has changed over the last year. And just the nature of a lot of folks working remote, what are some of the needs that we’re hearing from customers? And then, obviously, we’re working with a lot of customers on road-mapping what they’re looking to put into place next year. So passing some of those lessons learned and some of those trends that we’ve seen along to our audience.
(Jeremy Cross) So as we get started here, I’m just curious, how many, like right now, best practices for customers that we’ve been working with? How long have they been working on looking at their budgeting for 2021? I mean, are they in the midst of doing this, are some of them going to be coming in late, or is this the ideal time? Where are our customers right now in that process for budgeting for 2021?
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah. For companies that are on a calendar year for their fiscal year, this is usually kind of the prime time. Discussions started happening in October, finalizations and starting to narrow down what that number looks like. And that’s why we usually see a lot of RFPs around this time of year, people trying to get an idea of what do they need to be budgeting for, what do they need to be requisitioning to get a project kicked off. So we’re kind of in the heart of it right now. You know, between I would say Thanksgiving and about the 20th of December is really kind of the red zone or the peak time where budgets are getting approved, because after the holidays it’s kind of pretty much set in stone, so customers that are looking into those things, probably that’s happening right now.
(Jeremy Cross) All right. So let’s dive into your list here. I want to know, in no particular order here, or if you want to rank them, depending on how you approached it. But let’s talk about what is your first initiative that you would recommend people be taking into consideration as they budget for 2021?
(Ryan Kubec) Okay, so I’ll do this in kind of no particular order, because I guess everyone’s needs vary, and some of that is by industry, some of that’s really by the market size of a company. So I guess in no particular order, I would say the first thing — and this one is I guess is general for everyone, but probably more specifically targeted at kind of a lower mid-market company, so we’re talking probably anywhere from $100 million in revenue, up to $700 million in revenue — would be putting in a true CRM system.
(Jeremy Cross) So is this common? How many clients do we come across that really don’t have a CRM system? I guess I figured you either have CRM and succeeding, or is it possible to be succeeding without a CRM right now? I mean, how common is that?
(Ryan Kubec) We’ve seen it. I would say — no joke — probably 50% of the companies that we’ve worked with in that space — that lower kind of $100 million to probably even $500 million – for probably half of them their CRM system is Outlook and Excel, and their sales people kind of manage everything themselves. They set their own calendar reminders, they’re tracking their customers and opportunities – kind of, I don’t want to say the old-school way, but that is kind of the old-school way, where someone’s got their own Rolodex and they’ve got their contacts that they reach out to and keep in touch with, and it’s very dispersed that way.
So I guess there are pros and cons to that. The pros of having a system like that are your sales person is totally independent; they don’t have any overhead work to do. But the con is that you don’t really have any continuity. And now that everything has moved remote, getting access for those sales people to back-end data, pricing data, new product information, can get really, really difficult if you don’t have a true CRM system where you’re kind of managing one source of the truth.
And then the other downfall of having everyone managing everything on their own spreadsheet and their own calendars and Rolodex is that there’s no visibility to management to be able to see what’s our actual forecast, what does our pipeline look like. So that’s where you have a lot of sales management constantly calling and bugging their sales reps. Hey, I need an updated forecast, what are you closing, when is it going to happen, what does this look like? Because, obviously, they have folks they need to answer to, as well.
So we’ve helped a number of smaller companies get started with something, for what I would say is a very, very competitive entry point — both for implementation and on the software licensing side — that allows those sales folks to be a little more independent, being able to have real-time information to pricing data, contract data, providing them extra value, so cross-sell and up-sell items — so working with a customer building their order up.
And I’ll just help myself, and this is just a fun example. I’ve been keeping an eye on when the Xbox series X is going to come back in stock. So let’s pretend I’m working with a sales rep or I’m a sales rep trying to sell an Xbox Series X, and I’ve got a customer that’s interested in it. These systems have the ability to then recommend that you order an extra controller. We recommend, if you buy this specific package, you’re going to get these three games free, as well. So it allows your sales people to sell more and also kind of eliminates that need for management to constantly be calling, asking for updates, because management has their own view. They can see all of that stuff in real time.
(Jeremy Cross) So if I’m a company, and I’m looking at my budgeting, I don’t have a CRM right now, and it seems like a really daunting task. And you alluded to this just a bit ago, that low entry point. I mean, is this a daunting task to implement, or select or to go through and to decide, we’re going to start using a CRM? It just seems like a big lift that would scare people away. Is it as scary as it seems, or is it easier than you think?
(Ryan Kubec) It’s probably easier than most people think. I guess it’s a double edged sword, right? It’s easier than most people think, and it’s more challenging than some people think. It’s certainly going to be an organizational change, so the people side of it is probably where you’re going to see the most challenge, making sure people understand why you’re doing it. And sales reps don’t like doing extra work that’s not going to translate to them selling more, so making sure you’re designing it in the right way that’s going to be valuable to the sales team and getting their input, not just designing a forecasting tool that’s for sales management. But we’ve done integrated implementations in 12 weeks, and certainly you don’t have to start out of the gate with having something that’s fully integrated to your back-end ERP system. You can do pricing updates once a week or as frequently as needed based on your industry or your product mix. And you could just have a true cloud-based solution that you could get stood up even quicker than that.
(Jeremy Cross) All right, so we’ve talked about CRM, but I want to keep us moving, because I know that we have four more that we need to get through. What is your number two on this list of initiatives that people should be budgeting for in 2021?
(Ryan Kubec) So my number two is somewhat related to CRM, but definitely still in the sales realm. And that’s getting a true commission automation process put in place, and there’s different software solutions that do that.
We obviously work with an SAP commission solution, which thankfully — I guess a small, shameless plug here — the one that SAP offers can work with any CRM solution that you have. So it was an acquisition SAP made a couple of years ago, but it’s very, very versatile. So whether you’re running SAP CRM, Salesforce Dynamics, Oracle CRM — whatever you have that you’re bringing to the table — this can automate a lot of that process.
And specifically what we see, again — and this is usually in that kind of mid-market, but I’ve seen large enterprise companies as well — when I say, hey, how do you handle commissions today, a lot of folks will say, oh, well, Jane’s got a spreadsheet and she tracks it all in there, and if there are any disputes, someone sends an email back there and they look it up on the spreadsheet, then they have to go pull the contract. And it’s just this very, very manual process of keeping track of everything and there’s no integration with the compensation plan, so it’s just a lot of manual administrative work. So that’s one area where I think companies should start looking at, because the price point for that is pretty low to get in. And the value of not having your sales people trying to figure out, what am I going to make on this specific sale, is this going to count and going back through and trying to do their own audits. Did they get paid appropriately for certain things? And if there’s any dispute, specifically the tool that we work with, that can all be handled directly within that cloud-based tool, tracking everything, being able to do the audit trail to see exactly what percent you got paid on what sale and why you did. And then if there’s any issue with that, being able to kick off a dispute directly from there with workflows built in. So I think it’s a really smart investment, especially because everyone’s remote now, maybe that worked for some companies where they would say, hey, our sales team works out of a sales office, and if there’s any issue, they can just pop into someone’s office and they can work it out really quickly. Now, with the back and forth between email and folks having different work schedules, I think that gets complex and just frankly wastes a lot of time.
(Jeremy Cross) Well, it seems as if this would be a good investment for an organization to consider because it’s going to further empower their sales teams. You know it’s creating confidence within your sales team to know that they’re getting paid. You know, many of these individuals being heavily commissions based, getting paid correctly, getting paid on time, being able to eliminate that worry and that friction from their lives. This seems like it would be a very smart tool or a good investment to be able to have that and to build morale even within your sales team. It seems like that that is a good thing to do.
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah, I guess one trend that I’ve heard — I don’t know if I would call it a trend — but I’ve at least heard it from enough companies that it was interesting is that when I’ve talked with them about their commissions process and how complex is it, how many different plans do you have, do you have internal sales reps and external, and brokers or things of that nature? A lot of these companies have been trying to simplify their incentives programs strictly because the management of it is too difficult. And, you know, there’s a benefit of being able to have some of these additional kickers and multipliers and things of that nature that really incentivize sales behavior. But if it’s too complex for you to manage that because you’re doing it all manually, you’re kind of handcuffing yourself, and what you put in front of your sales people and ultimately your compensation plan and your incentives plan is going to dictate the behavior of those sales people. So a lot of companies are really limiting themselves in that respect.
(Jeremy Cross) Well, I like what you’re saying there, that one of the perks of this type of tool right now, given the remote nature, given what the pandemic did to the workforce this year and given the remote nature of these things, I like what you’re saying, that it makes sense to eliminate the manual process and have a transparent system with a single point of truth similar to your CRM, where people can find out, troubleshoot, be confident in the information, in the data that’s there and be able to be more effective in their day-to-day lives. So I like what you’re saying there.
How about give me your number three, what’s your number three on this list?
(Ryan Kubec) So my third — and I think this might be more relevant for the manufacturing industry — but definitely any company that has a customer service, or more specifically field service operations, would be making sure that whatever solution you have for that is two things. One is that it is mobile friendly. Again, we’re talking about this remote work environment. Field service, by its nature, is remote, but the solutions are not always remote. So something that your field service technicians can ideally operate on their smartphone or smart device, an iPad or a tablet, something of that nature, so they’re not constantly going back to the truck, trying to get connection, typing in things on a laptop. You know, we worked with quite a few companies that are still very paper-based or they print work tickets and service tickets, they get those sent and distributed to their service technicians, they go out and execute the work order and bring it back to the shop. Speeding up that service piece of it and then also integrating that to your back-end, so that way your service technicians are able to see when they get on site all the information they would need, not just what products or what machine are they going to work on, but what changes have happened to that machine since it was installed.
We worked with some companies who’ve got working machinery that’s been out in the field for 50+ years. Well, certainly the pieces and parts that are on that are not the same as what was installed 50+ years ago. There’s been maintenance, and being able to see that as-maintained bill of material and past work orders, things of that nature, and then ideally being able to connect that to what they call a knowledge base, which would be similar to if you’ve ever had an issue with your refrigerator and you go to the website and it says, please describe your issue and you can type in kind of what you’re working with and it’ll give you a list of the top 10 possible causes of that. They have similar functionality that you can build under your service and field service solutions that just allows your people to, frankly, fix things faster and really get your customer back up and running quicker. So I think that if you don’t have a mobile — true cloud-based is with the direction everything is going — a cloud-based mobile service and field service solution, that’s certainly something that you should be looking at, given the remote nature of the way everything’s going.
(Jeremy Cross) And then going back to the question I asked you earlier, for a company that doesn’t have this in place right now, how daunting is it or how easy is it to make this decision and implement a tool like this?
(Ryan Kubec) So some of that’s going to depend on the process. But I would say the best rule of thumb for all of these things that I’ve touched on so far is that it doesn’t need to be, and it’s only going to be as daunting as you make it for release one. And I think a lot of folks get sucked down a path of trying to design the perfect end state, and let’s make it perfect out of the gate rather than let’s give our people something quick that they can start using right away. And we can get stuff stood up, like I said, in 10 or 12 weeks on the service or field service side that your team can start using right away, and then you can roll out additional features, additional functions.
That’s our recommended approach, because if you give folks a minimum viable product, right, give them kind of the standard template if you will, let them go and start using it, then you’re going to get real user feedback — not just specific to your industry or the solution, but specific to your individual people in your company of what would be most helpful for them to get in the next release so that you allow your team to help design the solution that way. And I think your user adoption is going to go up significantly if they all have a voice in what would be helpful for them.
(Jeremy Cross) All right. So what would you say your number four on the list is? I mean, again, just to recap for everybody, we’re talking about Ryan’s top five initiatives that people should be budgeting for in 2021. We’re on number four on this list. What is your number four?
(Ryan Kubec) All right. So number four, I guess I saved probably what I would call the most important, or at least the one that we’re seeing the most activity with our customers is an e-business, self-service platform — it could be e-commerce. But again, the distinction that we make between e-commerce — which folks traditionally will instantly think of Amazon or Dick’s Sporting Goods or, I don’t know, any Kohls, Target, any e-commerce site that you use as a consumer — when we start looking at the B2B world, it’s much more than just searching for products, picking out your size and color, adding it to a cart, putting your credit card number in and checking out. It’s that true digital platform to do business with.
And so one thing, again, with — I feel like a broken record — with everyone moving remote, unprecedented times, the one thing with that is that companies are really looking for self-service because in a B2B world, your customer also has their own customers that they have to answer to and provide a high level of service to. And some of that means that you’re truly partners in that relationship. And so one of the biggest pain points we’ve heard is that a lot of companies are getting feedback from their customers that they don’t have visibility into orders, so order tracking is huge, especially if things are going well for your business right now.
So the building products industry, I’ll just use that as a generic example, because I was just talking to my brother a few minutes ago, who’s a contractor, and the price of lumber has gone up significantly and it’s harder to find a lot of the products. Everyone is stuck at home, so people are doing home renovations or buying new homes or starting to invest in different areas, and a lot of that is impacting the building products space. So if those customers don’t know when are they going to be getting their specific products– again, I’ll use my brother as an example, he’s a contractor — he’s got to be able to hit certain deadlines, and he’s got an electrical contractor and a plumbing contractor and general trades and folks like that are all dependent on hitting this very specific timeline in these different stage gates. He can’t accurately work with his partners and his customers if he doesn’t know when his products are going to arrive. And that’s just a kind of specific example, but that can be extrapolated out to a manufacturer that sells through distributors. When those distributors don’t know how much product they’re going to get on a specific day, how are they going to be able to start promising and building their fulfillment plan for their end customers where they’re shipping and being able to just have transparent communication throughout. So that’s something we’ve definitely talked about on the podcast before and that’s, again, another thing where it’s really easy to go wild and try to design the world’s greatest e-commerce, e-business, do-everything-for-everyone platform. But getting something up quickly that folks can start using, you’re going to see benefits from that right away. Absolutely.
(Jeremy Cross) Yeah, and that makes sense. And I think it’s hard. I know I personally have gone through the wanting to be the perfectionist mindset of it needs to be production value, or something has to be 100%. And then you realize sometimes you’ve got to scale back and say, no, 70% is okay right now, 70% is okay with your first iteration, and then you improve upon it from there. And so with any of these suggestions you’re making, I think that’s a common theme, is that you don’t have to jump in and have to be 100% perfect end user from the very beginning; you can make improvements. But the key is, be active and do something now, stop waiting around.
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah, I 100% agree with you on that. You need to do something now. And, like I think I mentioned earlier, we’ve seen a lot of activity in this space specifically across all industries, and this is one that market size really doesn’t matter. I think we’ve seen interest in this space across industries, across market size, and I guess one recommendation I would have is really challenging internal process on what it would take to make a decision and start moving on something like this. And this probably falls in line with how large a company is, very, very you know, they process you to death where you’ve got to evaluate so many different software solutions to be able to meet procurement rules and then you’ve got to look at so many different implementation vendors and you’ve got to go through this long, drawn-out RFP process.
I think the companies who are able to move quicker right now are going to overtake a lot of market share from those companies that are dragging their feet because, oh, well, this is our process and we’ve got to follow it. Find a way around that, make your decisions quickly, because the term I heard — and this was coming out of the medical world — was COVID fatigue. I think a lot of people are having that, and I think it’s really peaking now. We’ve got a crazy political environment, people have been locked inside; they’re waiting for this to end. Now we’re hearing that things are getting worse, I think people are sick of that. And so I think that patience is wearing thin and that those are real people. Your customers, even if you’re a B2B company, you’re not working with a company, you’re working with an individual person who’s a buyer, who may be experiencing some of this fatigue and frustration. And if your process is just cumbersome, I think a lot of those folks are going to be saying, hey, look, we’re sick of not being able to track our own orders, to be able to see our active pricing, to be able to forecast what we’re actually going to get with you. Your competitor just released a site where I can do all of those things; we’re going to start moving some of our business over to them because it’s just better for us.
So I would say try as much as you can — and I realize this is a huge ask — try to shorten that time to make a decision, because we’ve been in some of these RFP processes where it takes a whole year just to finally make a decision. And by the time you actually put your software in, what you initially started looking at, there’s three new releases by the time you get started because your process took so long, and now you’re actually trying to fix problems that were yours a year ago. And so I know we’ve talked about this a little bit on the — I guess, shameless plug — on the Hug the Curve podcast with our CEO, but shortening that timeline to make decisions is really, really key, especially right now, because things are moving so fast. And if your process is your biggest barrier to getting some of these problems fixed, you need to find a way around that process.
(Jeremy Cross) Absolutely. I couldn’t agree with you any more there. Well, let’s keep moving here on our top five initiatives for 2021. What is your number five on this list?
(Ryan Kubec) So number five, I guess this one isn’t specific to a solution, but it’s definitely something that we’ve heard a lot of discussion about. And I’ve heard this for years, and that is companies trying to find a way to have a direct consumer channel. And what I mean, there’s a lot of companies that sell primarily through distributors. So you might be able to see their products at every single store you go to, but they don’t sell direct to that store.
So a lot of these folks, they’ll have 20 customers and there’s just these major distributors. And that’s just kind of the relationship they do, virtually all of their business with those 20 distributors. Well, one thing that we’ve seen specific to the last year is that as supply chains changed, and regulations in different states have changed and things were locked down and all of that, it’s given a lot of these companies the business rationale to say, hey, we need to diversify, we can’t be single threaded, only selling through distributors. We also need to be able to have a direct-to-consumer channel. And companies have been trying to navigate this for a while, obviously, without wanting to alienate those 20 distributors where they do all of their business. They can’t disrupt that relationship, so there’s a delicate balance to find there.
There’s a couple of ways I’ve seen that done. One way is just having a direct-to-consumer channel that maybe there’s limited product availability, and that benefits the business itself or the manufacturer, because then they’re able to start having that relationship with the end consumer if they want to start building customer profiles, getting insights from who those customers are. The other way I’ve seen that done is companies — and this would be a much larger strategic decision — is creating a separate legal entity, that different legal entity, still part of the same parent company and then it’s a quick e-commerce site that you’re able to throw out that is specifically B2C focused and consumers can log on, order small quantities of product or some of the even maybe some smaller Mom-and-Pop retail shops could log in to place their orders that way. And then you’re not really disrupting that relationship with your distributors because it’s a little bit of a shell game, I guess, where you’re creating a separate entity. But that’s a way to diversify that channel, because at the end of the day, if you’re a public company, you owe explanation, you’ve got to make smart decisions based on your shareholders and your employees. And if you’re privately held, you certainly have to make good decisions based on your employees, as well, making sure that you’re providing a stable business environment where your employees aren’t worried, hey, are we still going to have a job if things change because we’re not going to be able to sell our product?
(Jeremy Cross) Well, it’s funny. What comes to mind here is — so I was folding laundry in the family room, I think about a week ago or something in the evening, and Shark Tank was on — and it seems as if — and correct me if I’m wrong here and if I’m wrong, we’ll just make sure we cut this from the episode — but at the end of the day, what it seems as if, you know, you have some of these people who come on to Shark Tank and they’re coming in front of the investors and they have no problem with direct to consumer. That’s their model. Their model is they are coming on and they need help with the distribution side of things. And then it seems as if you get some that are so into the distribution side of things that they get away from the direct to consumer and they can’t find that balance. It seems like everybody is trying to find that balance between direct to consumer and then using a series of distributors. And that’s what we’re striving for. Whether you’re on the very small end and you’re an up-and-coming company and you’re selling direct online and you need that distributor into big-box warehouse or you’re on the big-box warehouse side of things, you’ve gotten away from direct to consumer and you just forget about it. You want to — and you’re right — you’ve got to keep people happy. It’s a balancing act. That’s what it just seems like.
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah. And frankly, the distributors squeeze the margins quite a bit, right? If you think about the wholesale example, if I’m a manufacturer, it costs me a certain amount to produce a widget, and then I can sell it to a wholesaler at a small markup. Then the wholesaler is going to sell it to maybe a retail shop at a markup, and then they sell to the consumer. So that manufacturer still only gets that small first markup, whereas if they can sell to the end consumer directly, they’re able to make more margin on that, which ultimately allows for their company to be healthier. So having that diversified channel also can improve margins.
(Jeremy Cross) Yeah, absolutely. So those are your five. Do you have any additional thoughts that you want to add to help out our listeners, and thinking about this going forward into 2021?
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah, absolutely. So there’s one. And after we recorded that video, I was kind of kicking myself when I was driving home because there’s a large, kind of glaring topic that I missed, and that is having a really, really good, solid support partner. What I mean by that — and I’ll use the e-commerce example or e-business platform — if you’re building this site to improve your customer experience, you want to make sure that not only did you build it right and that everything’s working correctly, but you have a really, really good support partner that is managing that, because the last thing you want to do is have a site that’s constantly crashing or going down, or different links are broken and stuff’s not working. Because it worked day one, but you can only test so much.
What we’ve heard from a lot of the businesses that we partner with is that a lot of firms are really, really good at building websites and building commerce sites and doing the implementation, and that’s really what they do. But when it comes to support, that’s farther down their priority list. They really want to be out doing projects. And so the level of support a lot of businesses get is subpar or it takes them a long time to get answers, or the SLAs that they have, they’ll submit a ticket and they’re supposed to get a resolution within four hours — and what they get is three hours and fifty nine minutes in, they get an email back that says, hey, we confirmed that we’ve received your ticket, our team is going to start looking at it now, and they kind of reset the clock. And so that’s definitely an area that I think we internally have seen a lot of growth is we have the capabilities to do full site monitoring, business process monitoring 24/7.
What that means for folks who aren’t as familiar is that if your commerce site is typically taking an order about every two minutes, and you can build some of these processes in that are monitoring the site and monitoring the business processes that if 10 minutes or 15 minutes goes by and you don’t have an order or you don’t have a specific query or specific process that typically would be running if your site is working normally, it can start kicking out proactive workflows so you don’t have to wait for customers to start complaining something’s not working. It’s monitoring that. Think of it as a security system for your house, right, that’s probably the best analogy. It’s motion activated.
Something out of the ordinary happens, it starts setting off alarms that get to the right people to start looking at it. So I would say companies that say, hey, you know what, good list, but we’re already set. We’ve got a pretty good e-business platform or self service for our customers. My next question to them is usually, how are you handling support for that? Are you happy with it? Do you have site monitoring? Is it 24 hours a day? What happens if your site goes down?
(Jeremy Cross) Makes sense. It’s that level of assurance, of knowing that all of your investment isn’t going to go by the wayside because of one outage, and one could be a considerable outage at that. So that’s a really good sixth one. I’m glad you thought about that, because obviously we had this conversation weeks ago when we shot that video going through your top five. I definitely think that the sixth one belongs on that list as well.
So if you’ve been listening, we hope that you get something out of this, that we’ve really tried to put some thought into this. If you are in the midst of budgeting for 2021 right now, consider these initiatives that we’ve gone through, these six initiatives — because you’re going to find something there, whether it was going back to, do you have a CRM system, or even just looking at one of the common themes Ryan has just been talking about, automation versus manual process — how much of your process right now is manual? And if you were to automate that, what sort of gains could you potentially see, whether that be through a commission process, looking at, have you been doing that manually for years, is there a benefit to moving to an automated process, to a system-based process, all of those things? I definitely think, Ryan, this is a great list that you’ve come up with here.
(Ryan Kubec) Yeah, thank you. And if anyone out there has any questions about any of the topics that we talked about, we’ll have our contact information in the show notes. We’ll be happy to share at least what we’re seeing in the marketplace that makes sense for your business and your industry.
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