NTT DATA Business Solutions
Brexit and the Impact on SAP Customers. Part 8

Author: Claire Neale, Solution Architect, NTT DATA Business Solutions UK.
As the frequency of my Brexit blogs is getting less, updates are still being made by SAP. This latest blog captures the most recent updates.
- As mentioned in my previous blogs – OSS note 2885225 is central to all of the Brexit changes and contains references to other OSS notes, so it is worth checking this note and its attachment for key updates;
- Northern Ireland Protocol – as previously mentioned, Northern Ireland as part of the Brexit Agreement is still considered to be part of the EU as far as the movement of goods is concerned. Intrastat and EC sales list reporting still applies. Key changes this introduces are as follows:
- Country UK + a NI Region code will be used to differentiate Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales);
- New NI Region codes are either 2 character codes or 3 character ISO codes (not both) as highlighted in my Brexit blog VII – the region field must be populated for Northern Ireland customers/vendors;
- If you have introduced custom region codes and not those prescribed by SAP, follow the instructions in OSS note 3005939;
- OSS note 3000100 introduces a central class, which is considered by all applications, to determine movement of goods to / from NI;
- Where a business with a GB VAT registration number, moves/trades goods between NI and one of the 27 remaining EU member states has to have an XI VAT registration number as well as its GB Vat number. The XI Vat number is simply constructed from the GB VAT registration number, where the GB prefix is replaced by ‘XI’;
- The XI VAT registration number will be held in tax number 6 (STCD6) field in customer and vendor master records; in business partner master records a new tax category is introduced ‘GB6’ – please refer to OSS notes 2998790, 2998897, 2999507, 2999508 for details;
- In the selling company code settings in OBY6, a new field XIVATN field is introduced in additional fields refer to OSS note 2768412;
- Error message FF880 “VAT number cannot be derived” was created as part of OSS note 2999842, for delivery of goods from EU to Northern Ireland; however the long text could not be added as part of the manual activities associated with that note. OSS note 3014438 provides a correction for this;
- For sales processes, which involve the movement of goods from EU to Northern Ireland, the VAT ID in the billing document is blank instead of ‘XI’. Check the corrections provided in OSS note 3009799, which provides a more flexible determination as to whether the sale relates to goods or services;
- For Intrastat reporting for Northern Ireland, region of origin is a required field. If this is missing in the reporting of imports, please refer to OSS note 3019145;
- For the EC Sales List report for the 27 member countries and Northern Ireland there are a couple of possible issues:
- 1) The VAT registration numbers of business partners are incorrect in the report headers (reports RFASLD20, RFASLD02 & RFASLM00); or
- 2) Documents posted over the accounting interface (where the VAT registration number is derived in the interface) have a VAT registration number prefixed with GB. Please refer to OSS notes 2999842 & 3001298;
- The main Intrastat reporting OSS note is 3002286 – new OSS notes reference in this note from 09.02.2021 are 3017453, 3019608, 3017171, 3019145, 3020260;
- Post Brexit, any stock transferred intra company from a plant in GB to a plant in NI is liable to taxes and therefore a plants abroad invoice is required. Please refer to OSS Note 3021838 and pre-requisite notes 3000100.
As issues and additional features are highlighted, we are regularly raising calls with SAP for resolution. On a daily basis, SAP are still updating some of the corrective actions.
Next Steps
Please raise a ticket initially, via the portal, so we can capture that question or request.
Remember to check back regularly for the next in our Blog series on Brexit.