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SAP security concepts simplified with XAMS

Xiting Authorizations Management automates costly and time-consuming tasks, improves compliance and reduces risks of errors

Unrivalled technology lead in SAP authorizations management

Requirements and legal regulations oblige companies to handle authorizations restrictively. This often leads to the revision or creation of new authorization concepts with numerous challenges, which require profound know-how.

With the “Xiting Authorizations Management Suite” (XAMS) Xiting offers highly specialized know-how in SAP authorizations to their customers. The XAMS allows the easier execution of authorization projects, role redesigns and maintenance, vulnerability analysis of customer-specific ABAP code and the creation of SAP security concepts with the help of seven different modules.

Critical, time-consuming phases can be drastically shortened and efficiently managed. On this basis, a best-practice approach to the holistic administration of SAP authorizations in the ABAP environment has been developed.

SAP S/4HANA benefits by using XAMS

  • Time-saving due to the elimination of the need to prepare the SAP Simplification List by customer
  • The analysis of custom developments regarding authorization checks in relation to S/4HANA migrations
  • A role migration report to analyze the migration capability of existing roles to S/4HANA, with the option for an ad hoc adaptation of roles
  • The setup and simulation of S/4HANA capable roles in a virtual environment considering the Simplification List and usage statistics
  • SAP Fiori OData Services authorizations are automatically determined
  • Special developed HANA reports, e.g. check of database users for the assignment of critical combinations (privileges)

Xiting Role Designer

The Xiting Role Designer enables role administrators to design new roles in a drag-anddrop cockpit virtually and to simulate what-if scenarios through virtual role assignment. Additionally, the Xiting Role Designer can migrate your existing roles to S/4HANA through the push of a button, saving you months of manual labor.

Xiting ABAP Alchemist

The Xiting ABAP Alchemist helps you analyze your custom ABAP code and find potential vulnerabilities, such as missing authority checks. It also enables you to optimize your SU24 proposal database for existing authority checks in your custom code.

Xiting Role Builder

The Xiting Role Builder dramatically reduces, and in many cases eliminates traditional role testing efforts  through a revolutionary concept called Productive Test Simulation (PTS). The Xiting Role Builder works hand-in-hand with Xiting Times to provide its unique testing and reporting features.

Xiting Role Replicator

The Xiting Role Replicator reduces the time and effort involved in maintaining organizational
fields through mass-replication of roles. Additional reporting features ensure that your roles are never
out of sync and always properly maintained.

Xiting Times

The Xiting Times eliminates the risk during Go-Live caused by potentially missing user authorizations.
In the event of authorization errors, end-users can check out their old roles through a self-service
mechanism and keep them for a temporary period – similar to other emergency access management
(EAM) or Firefighter concepts.

Xiting Role Profiler

The Xiting Role Profiler speeds up the verification of your role design and checks out the quality and  robustness of your implemented role concept. Additionally, the Xiting Role Profiler provides 90
reports that enable you to maintain proper roles and authorizations.

Xiting Security Architect

The Xiting Security Architect provides ready-to-use security concepts that Xiting developed together
with major auditing firms. The Xiting Security Architect can compare your live systems with the
provided concepts and report on discrepancies, long before your security audit is due.

Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS) | English
Watch on Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS) | English

XAMS explained

The innovative modules of the XAMS are adapted to your needs and thus enable tailor-made solutions. In a wide variety of many different use cases the XAMS supports you in the successful implementation of your SAP security.

More useful information on Xiting

Reference Slide
Use cases from Xiting

Read about the main use cases of XAMS like SAP S/4HANA migration, role designing, role testing and more.

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Customer Reference
XAMS for Energinet

Read about how Energinet profited from XAMS.

Read more

Simplifying Fiori Authorization Management with Automation Tools
Watch on Simplifying Fiori Authorization Management with Automation Tools

How to simplify the management of Fiori authorizations

In this webinar, Alessandro Banzer and Jenny Schmider will explain how you can simplify and automate the management of Fiori authorizations using automation tools, such as the Xiting Authorizations Management Suite (XAMS).

Speak to us today

Do you want the easiest way to see how Xiting Authorization Management Suite works? Schedule a brief demonstration or let us help you with a risk assessment.

Contact us today.