Industrie: Consumer Goods (non-food), Retail
Catégorie: Application Management Services, Managed Cloud

Leifheit AG benefits from more freedom for strategical IT innovations

Why NTT DATA Business Solutions?

  • Successful completion of the SAP implementation project as the basis for further professional supervision by NTT DATA Business Solutions
  • Long-standing, successful partnership with individual contact people
  • Tailored, customer-specific range of services
Torsten Gaul, Departmental Head of IT Business Process and Inside Sales, Leifheit AG

Heightened customer focus, clear brand positioning, and the right approach to innovative IT issues - this is how we position ourselves in a dynamic market environment. With itelligence* AMS and the Managed Cloud services, we have now been benefiting from our successful partnership for more than 10 years.

Torsten Gaul, Departmental Head of IT Business Process and Inside Sales, Leifheit AG

Leifheit AG is a German leading supplier of household goods under well-known brand names such as Leifheit or Soehnle. Its headquarters are located in Nassau, Germany.

1,100 Employees (2018)

EUR 234 million Turnover (2018)

Challenges and Benefits


  • Support requirements for complex SAP applications
  • Identifying and eliminating uncertainties as early as the planning phase of SAP projects
  • Providing support in implementing innovative SAP solutions
  • Knowledge transfer between Leifheit & NTT DATA Business Solutions AMS (transition)


  • More free, dedicated capacities thanks to transfer of business tasks to NTT DATA Business Solutions
  • Launching, maintaining, and further developing SAP applications
  • Guaranteeing high system availability
  • Setting up a uniform system landscape with servicing and maintenance


  • Managed Cloud (Hosting) services since 2009
  • Application Management Services (AMS) since 2011
  • Use of the NTT DATA Business Solutions it.x-press shipping solution
Leifheit AG - Managed Cloud & AMS by NTT DATA Business Solutions

More Freedom for Strategical Innovations of Leifheit.

Read the Full Story

About the Project

Leifheit AG as a Leading Supplier of Household Goods –  That’s Housework Today

In keeping with the motto « How housework’s done today », Leifheit leaves no customer wish unsatisfied in its capacity as one of the leading experts in the household goods sector. With solutions that make everyday life easier, Leifheit supplies both the domestic and the international market. As such, more than 80 countries benefit from the wide product range, which includes everything from rotary clothes dryers and ironing boards to kitchen aids. Top-class workmanship and high consumer benefit are the outstanding features of our products. Around 1,100 employees in the entire Leifheit Group take care of customer’s needs at 15 sites. In order to guarantee the product supply across the globe, ensuring stable IT is a strategically important maneuver, one that NTT DATA Business Solutions is only too happy to support.

Managed Cloud and AMS by NTT DATA Business Solutions – That’s IT Today

The increasingly dynamic market in light of the digital transformation requires constantly new innovations, including the IT sector. Terms such as « SAP S/4HANA » are often thrown around. The result is absolute confusion – and companies are frequently overburdened. The term « managed cloud » stopped being a merely buzzword long ago and is of increasing interest to companies in their strategic alignment. In order to manage the complexity of business processes as well as to guarantee system performance, Leifheit relies on the NTT DATA Business Solutions Managed Cloud and Application Management services. As such, the supplier of household goods benefits not just from reliable SAP operation in the NTT DATA Business Solutions high-performance IT centers, but also from rapid SAP support.

60 Years of Leifheit, 30 Years of NTT DATA Business Solutions, 10 Years as Partners – That’s How Teamwork’s Done Today

2019 marks several important occasions. A total of 60 years of quality standards and innovative ideas  » made in Germany » as well as 30 years of high-quality NTT DATA Business Solutions IT services are a reason to celebrate. Leifheit has relied on secure SAP operation by NTT DATA Business Solutions since 2009, and can thus look back on a long partnership history – 10 years as a successful team. In the future as well, Leifheit will be able to rely on the ISO-certified AMS and Managed Cloud service processes. Agile service management allows Leifheit to react to changed SAP requirements flexibly. This ensures the right « flow ». Potential risks are reduced to a minimum and productivity and transparency increased.

Always One Step Ahead of the Competition – That’s the Future Today

With it.x-press, Leifheit benefits from the accelerated storage and shipment processes in order to guarantee an optimum supply of products to customers. Sustainable processes, in the environment as well, are the key to success. Drying clothes outside in the fresh air with the help of Leifheit products and cooling down the NTT DATA Business Solutions IT centers have more in common than people think: a careful, energy-efficient handling of resources. Green IT has been a focal point at NTT DATA Business Solutions for a long time now, which is why the highly efficient, environmentally friendly adiabatic technology is used to cool the server room. As such, Leifheit can rely on an evironmentally conscious partner and continue to remain true to its values.

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