With the integration, you have the option to take the task in-house and thereby reduce the cost of export declaration management with a third party partner.
Spend less time on manual entries
Our time study shows that an employee spends a maximum of 3-4 minutes on an export declaration with the DMS integration, as opposed to a manual entry, which can take up to 30
minutes (without taking into account that the entry can fail). With the integration, you avoid having to handle your data multiple times and avoid typing errors. Employees can overlap
Because the integration works in SAP, employees can more easily cover for each other. Your organization can look forward to the summer holidays with peace of mind, because overlap is
much easier.
Employees can overlap
Because the integration works in SAP, employees can more easily cover for each other. Your organization can look forward to the summer holidays with peace of mind, because overlap is much easier.
All set for DMS from the start
We have already maintained more than 250 different code lists that DMS requires your company to adhere to. With our integration, you get the whole package set up from the start.
What does it require of you?
You must apply in advance for access to use a system-to-system solution, where SKAT has up to 2 weeks processing time. In addition, you are required to maintain master data along the way. And we’ll help you with that.
Get ready in 10-12 days
SKAT will shut down the old E-export system on April 30, 2024. After that companies must use the new DMS system. You can get started in a very short time. But you must act now.