NTT Group’s Initiatives for Further Growth

Today, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT Corporation) announced the initiatives for further growth of NTT Group’s global businesses.

NTT Corporation announcement

The global market is changing fast, with rapid progress in technology innovation; the disruption creating new business models; and the aggressive expansion of innovative competitors. These have led to clients’ increasing need for digital transformation.  NTT Group will run several initiatives to create new value of NTT Group as a whole and elevate group’s presence in the global market.

By becoming a part of the new global holding company, NTT DATA will have further possibilities for the business growth than ever before. It will become easier for NTT DATA to engage in business collaboration under the new global holding company with other NTT Group companies as well as to benefit from the outputs of NTT Group’s global R&D.

While making contributions as a member of the NTT Group, NTT DATA will remain a publicly- traded company, keep “NTT DATA” brand and independent management, and endeavor to maximize our corporate value. Under our vision of “Trusted Global Innovator,” NTT DATA will develop evolving ecosystems together with our clients, and contribute to a more affluent and harmonious society.